A portrait of Julian Bee
I'm Ju­lian Bee and I de­sign and build web & mo­bile so­lu­tions with a fo­cus on user ex­pe­ri­ence and so­cial in­ter­ac­tion.

I'm a full­stack en­gi­neer work­ing with Re­act+Re­act Na­tive, Type­Script, Node.js and the wider JS ecosys­tem.
I have helped SMEs (b2c + b2b) ship and sell, helped agen­cies to move fast, and forged the iden­tity of bleed­ing edge open source pro­jects.

I de­signed, built and launched campaigning tools, and worked on other pro­jects around so­cial in­ter­ac­tion (both in hardware, and software)

I have worked solo and with small teams in dif­fer­ent roles, from code mon­key to con­sul­tant, from pro­to­typ­ing to legacy main­te­nance.
Complex Corporate Website, 2022-2023
Cooperating with one of Switzerland's leading publishing agencies, we created a beautiful multilingual site featuring a modular system of custom Angular components to be used with a CraftCMS backend.
Web-Shop, 2020-2023
Accompanying this project over several years, I have worked on the web app's wide React code base, fleshed out UX, design and marketing concepts, and optimized its performance by transitioning ciritcal parts to next.js.
HKA Pflege-Netzwerk
Website, 2021
Once again partnering with one of my long time colaborators, we built a multi-domain site for our customer with her extensive network of products and services, and diverse target audiences.
Project website, 2020
After experimenting with this project for several years, I was convinced it was too unknown for what it does. To cut it short, not long after the projects website got replaced by my complete remake, it got picked up by fireship.io.
Spoiler: the project has moved on since with a new website.
Campaigning app, 2017-2019
For a group of customers in European politics, my partners and I created a campaigning platform with advanced capabilities, like gamification, ad-hoc landingpages, and deep integrations for facebook and twitter.
Music player, 2018
Watching how streaming apps were making songs available but ephemeral, our tastes individual but isolated, and our collections portable but invisible, I created a music player to counter those forces.
Shiny House
Presence indicator, 2017
I liked the idea of how you could see someone was home by their illuminated windows. So I built connected lamps that broadcast their on/off status to little counterparts standing at your loved ones'.
For years, the web plat­form (JS/​HTML/​CSS) has been my bread & but­ter and I have kept my­self busy mon­i­tor­ing its trends and ap­ply­ing its pos­si­bil­i­ties.

I have built na­tive, hy­brid and Pro­gres­sive Web Apps; in­te­grated com­plex APIs like Web­Push, Websockets and Web­Authn; hooked up the APIs of Google, Stripe and Face­book.

I worked with Next.js, Gatsby and Ex­press.js; with GraphQL, doc­u­ment and graph data­bases; set up CI/​CD with server­less func­tions on AWS & Net­li­fy.
I got my first dev job at the age of 15, stud­ied phys­ics and com­puter sci­ence in Frei­burg and, af­ter grad­u­at­ing as a Di­plom-Phy­si­ker, co-founded an in­no­va­tion com­pany, where my col­leagues and I have been de­vel­op­ing soft­ware, brands and prod­ucts over the last few years.
I'm avail­able for free­lanc­ing on premise in Berlin or re­mote, and I'm happy to talk with you in Ger­man or Eng­lish.

Hire me if you need some­one who's quick to on­board and get pro­duc­tive, in­te­grate un­wieldy tech­nol­ogy into your stack, or cre­ate some­thing beau­ti­ful to be brought on­line fast.