Shiny house
Two or more lamps re­flect the oth­er's on/​off state as a min­i­mal­ist pres­ence in­di­ca­tor for loved ones ac­cross long dis­tances.
Planned with Google SketchUp, Blender, and Fritzing, and re­al­ized with con­crete in 3D-printed parts.
The IoT de­vices can be set up from the browser, use the mqtt pro­to­col and are based on a ESP8266 MCU.
I'm avail­able for free­lanc­ing on premise in Berlin or re­mote, and I'm happy to talk with you in Ger­man or Eng­lish.

Hire me if you need some­one who's quick to on­board and get pro­duc­tive, in­te­grate un­wieldy tech­nol­ogy into your stack, or cre­ate some­thing beau­ti­ful to be brought on­line fast.